I ran out of ideas on what kind of medication or detox stuff to consume. No! I am not a fan of direct sales or MLM, I have had many people trying to sell me their RM5k 'cleansing, fat busting, miracle' programs. I can't afford that and I am a lazy person with lack of discipline to even eat antihistamines on a daily basis to fix my Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria.
I stumbled upon this in Bangsar Village 1 pharmacy (the one located on the lowest level). It has all this general health issues printed on their marketing ad such as below. I threw away the flyer and got this off their fb page. Anyway, out of 10, how many strikes your attention? Minimum 5 out of 10. Let's give this a try I say. After discount its bout RM65 per box of 10 doses each.

So this is what I bought. One to Purify your blood, One for cleansing, and the last is probiotics to calm your tummy with the good bacteria. According to the sales person/pharmacist (not sure), these are natural herbs and I wouldn't have the lausai stomach cramp effect. This is a small pack 10 day course. I was told to take 1 in the morning, 2 in the day time and 3 before bed.
This is what it looks like for No.1 and No.2 ( Eosuncho & Sangkwea) |
At first I was damn stupid, I poured all this bits into a cup of water then realised....damn its not going to dissolve no matter how i smashed it in water. LOL! I just downed the whole cup choking myself.
The next few times, I just swallowed it with 2-3 gulps of water. It tastes herby and its not as disgusting as I thought it would be. I end up drinking more water when I take this.
For the first 5 days I did what I was suppose to, but with all the temptations of food like this stupid message that I received to timely....all I can think of if I keep stuffing all this down my throat, wouldn't I be wasting my effort? No! Just eat.
The Probiotics (Prolife) please dissolve it in water and drink. Just tastes like flat vitagen/yakult. Drink and goodnight.
After 5 days, I became too busy and lazy to remember to eat my bulat bulat. But I took them with me to Bangkok and took them as I indulged in yummy unhealthy food. Like this giant cockles. Everyday I was in BKK, I think the colon cleanser was on overdrive...everything just didn't want to stay long in my gut. But I did analyse my encounters. It is definitely not diarrhea or food poisoning. It felt like the next day when I get up...I just needed to offload a lorry. And I am ready to continue eating. =P
1. Yes, I definitely feel a bit more awake in the morning. Please bear in mind I sleep at 2am everyday and wake up at 8 to go to work. Too much Dota.
2. My skin looks a bit brighter than usual. Also bear in mind, I only wash my face in the morning and always forget to put any moisturizer or sun block.
3. I pooped...and pooped....but my poop ain't some normal poop. Warning! Don't continue if you are shitphobic.
- My poop is soft
- My poop is greyish brownish
- My poop did not come with tummy cramps, but I just felt that I needed to shit as storage seems ready to lodge.
4. No it did not lower or cure my urticaria, its just as bad. But anyway, it did not claim it can have any positive impacts on urticaria.
This product is good for maybe supplements, but I cant afford to take it everyday, it is quite expensive and also I don't want my liver and other organs to go on overdrive. We need to stock some crap some days to build immunity. What crap am I talking!
But ya, can give it a try.