Monday, August 24, 2009


We look around at people around us, we see happiness, sadness, grief, pain, suffering, joy and bla bla. We sit and ponder when our turn will come. Will we every be able to find the one, or is there even such a thing as ''anyone'' for me? Fail relationships teach us to filter, but how many fails does it take to make a win. haha. It is mathematically impossible to guess this. The human emotion is the strongest and yet can be the weakest. A perfectly healthy person could die of severe depression and a bed ridden person could have ended up walking the next day because of their endless positivity to go on living.

People around are in greatly secure relationships with plans to tie the knot. Age is not a factor but definitely a matter. Good futures ahead with a perfect lifestyle. Compatible partners and great jobs. How come I have none? Is it just not the time yet? Is it because I have just began living? Are people really so happy? Is what I think perfection is , is something unattainable by me but is by others? Am I not fated to have that life? Is happiness short-lived for me? Am I too negative? Am I just an ass or am I just wasting my time?

When will I ever feel that feeling?

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