Thursday, September 24, 2009

how much of this is true?

Never over-confident and with a strong sense of your own shortcomings, your tendency to be uncertain of yourself is a strong motivator to do the very best you can at all times. Others often recognise your capacities better than you do and you may find it hard to trust their judgment, even when you admire them greatly.
Sometimes negative self-talk and internal put-downs may add fuel to the fire. You may often be beset by feelings of inadequacy that run counter to your actual abilities.
Sadly, you're constantly and all-too-easily reminded of your flaws. And if circumstances fail to remind you, it's likely that you'll do it pretty well all by yourself!
You may be your most vocal and critical judge but the only thing that's really flawed is your opinion of yourself!
Take a look around… set aside the negative self-talk… what makes you so sure you're right anyway? You'll probably find that the external reality is very different and more positive than the view from inside your skin.

My assessment from AssessMe Assessment ! aahhaha

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