Friday, February 11, 2011

The Malaysia Glamorous suicides

Since December 2010, there have been multiple incidences of teenagers to early 20's committing suicides for the dumbest of reasons. I feel the need to express my feelings as I hate death and it should not be wished upon. Many a times I have fell out of relationships which drive me nuts to a brink of suicide. I sometimes feel like driving straight into another vehicle or even just slicing myself till I bleed to death.

I am stupid to try these and even more an idiot to think of such actions. Before we start to weep for our past, have we dropped a tear for our parents hardwork, commitment, patience and everything that they have given us? This awakened me from my most horrific break-up and was consoled by my friend. She is right. What have I done for those that I owe my life to? What would I get if I really died? Nothing! If I killed myself, I literally killed my parents heart. Many people do not know what losing a child is. I did not lose a child but neither do I have one. But my parents have lost a child and me a sister. After 12 years, it is still very clear in their mind, hearts and soul. We don't live our lives like we used to anymore. Everything has changed tremendously. Everyone's heartache has transformed how they think today. It is more painful to feel it emotionally than physically. Sometimes I wish that I could replace her so that maybe my parent's won't feel that pain anymore. But that is just dumb, I am sure I am just as important.

Suiciding over a shitty relationship is down right brainless. That is probably one of the reasons why you we're dumped in the first place. Maybe you are driving the other person up the wall. Fate is not a universal plug. If it was, it wouldn't mean much and life experiences would just be booby traps. Not every meeting is a love at first sight. Even love at first sight could happen multiple times. Love can come and go. Love is not something you can describe with words or express much with sex. Many people take sex as love which is love with the wrong brains.

Many people who are suffering wished that they could be as strong, as capable and as alive as you are. But to end it only makes you lesser of a human deserved of a life. If you so wish to die, I hope you can think and maybe replace my sister for me with you life cause I am sure she wants to live more than you. You are a sad low life if you think of suicidal. You are only threatening others with your silly stupid actions which people will forget after awhile. If you really want to suicide, you do not deserve attention by anyone. Fucking retards.

As far as I am updated this is the suicide scroll:

1- Boy countdowns to his death via fb. Alviss Kong.
(Super-emo boy obviously no one would know whether he is serious or just one of those same shit diff day stories)

2- Girl jumps off in Pavillion before Christmas
(Suicide due to trial - committing manslaughter caused by drunk driving) The Youtube is gross

3- Girl has sex with bf , got dumped and opens her own fanpage and suicides on CNY

4- Mother and child jumps off building...WTF?!

So really, what the hell is wrong with people these days?

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