Monday, April 9, 2012

Dog ticks in the Asshole

By the request of my loving husband I shall scream,


It's the rainy season again. The dog still needs to poop and he loves doing it on the grass..its an upgrade since it used to like doing it in the middle of the road even when a car is approaching towards him. Picking up all that ticks, fleas, bugs, eggs, grass, stones, rocks, dirt...half eaten stray cat food and sometimes other dog's shit or cat shit.

Got him a scrub down yesterday and managed to get about 50 ticks or so. No photos cause its all squashed and black and disturbing. 

Today, thought we had ridden him of quite a mess...but NO! The ticks do not seem to be afraid to show themselves...with the sunlight reflecting off their shiny bodies, boy did we have a tick of a time. Where on earth do they hide. Yesterday the same spot was cleared off, today there a few more building homes and digging their nasty bug teeth into Scooby's skin. Red, bloody, inflamed and must be bloody itchy.

We started off picking on the white part's of his body, his ears and his under side. FML, I moved his tail and I almost fainted. There's a party going on the rim of his asshole. Around it, half way in it and just on it. Fuck!!! We tried using tissue and the tweezers but its just not precise enough and it hurts him even more when he jerks...Anyone or thing would react to that kinda shit.

We had a field day with the ticks and its 5 generations. Made us itchy and scratchy as hell after that. Soaked the dog in Dettol and multiple washes or tick shampoo. I squirt so much dettol up his A-hole I feel that I have seriously violated it and he stares at me differently and even walks funny now.

The weirdest thing was, my husband holding the dog, and I was scrubbing his A-hole and privates with my eyes closed. Shit things human have to do for some animal companionship. We wanted to take some photos but there's just too much chemicals going on.

Photos are definitely blurred in quality cause this were random shots that made us go ZOMFG!!!!! What's that in his ass?!!?!?!??!?!?!?!
Anyway, it had to be a tag team of one man on one side and somehow I got the backside...Urgh! Gotta use them tweezers and jabbed his ass a couple of times to take the damn things out. When its wet, it's kinda hard to actually use your fingers to grab hold of a tick. So basically imagine my fingers going all around the damn asshole trying to dig for gold. So gonna shave off all my nails beyond flesh. Sam had the decency to ask me to go for Banana leaf rice and eat with my bare hands...Can't even imagine touching my face right now. 

This was sorta after his unimaginable ordeal. Tearing....Ripped my heart but I did him good for a few days till the next family set house there.

My hand hurts from all those chemicals and water. I hope he feels better until we get him to the vet for a jab and a new flea collar. (He ate the rest, amazing he is still alive, self-deworming) Hahaha! After about a hundred ticks, we called it a day... at least I wish to believe so. The dog is licking and scratching from all the wounds, sigh poor thing. I rubbed some alcohol hand sanitizers up his asshole just in case some other kinda shit gets there. 

Sam still wouldn't stop looking for Ibiza for the past 5 hours, let him rest!!!

I love my little BAT!

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