Friday, March 8, 2013

Everday Questions 10 - Group Chats

Many of us use smart phones these days. Many of us know what the internet is and how to use it to our own benefit. Many of us are smart enough to check before we ask. Many of us are believed to be not that LAZY.

But, there are also many of us who like to as the same questions repeatedly and obvious facts.

I am talking about situations where you are in a group chat on whatsapp or whatever app and it goes like that...

A: Hey! Let's go have some KFC
B: What is KFC?
C: Where is KFC?
D: What do they serve at KFC?

.... and then someone in the group chat decides to paste a link to KFC....

B: Hey how to get there?
C: Where is it near to?
D: I can't click on the link...

Question: If you were B,C or D would you ask those questions or would you Google it yourself before you look anymore stupid and annoy everyone else?

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