Monday, July 4, 2011

Ladurée Paris, you have to try it out!

When in Paris, besides the Eiffel Tower and Du Lourve Museum there are many other things that should be visited. When we were there we were lucky to be in the company of my husband's old friend who is now living in Paris. She heard that I likes macaroons especially everytime I walked passed a patisserie I would just stare at what is on display. Everything seems to look delicious even at McDonald's the cookies look really tempting.

Welcome to Laduree!
A little looker at what's in the menu

A little reflection of a friend. I already want to eat the display.

Just too much to be in photos, you have to experience it personally
Paris being a fashion city lives up to its name. Even the waiter's vests are custom made . 
Overdoing with the macaroons, sherbet ice cream, cinnamon coffee & some whacky tea!
Beats Linds and TWG without thinking twice. It is what it is, it is Laduree, where it all started!
Suck in your tongue and close your eyes. Absolutely kills the heat in summer.

This post has made me hungering for authentically delicious macaroons. I have to stop looking at the photos. My mouth is watering already.

If you are in Paris and have never been there, you have to go EAT,DINE,DRINK at Laduree. Although they have it in several other countries, but nothing beats when its at its place of origination.

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