Friday, January 13, 2012

How to be an annoying wife/gf!

I grew up with a majority of boys or nicely put males. My reason was that they were more fun and who doesn't want attention from the opposite sex. As much as you want to deny while reading this, deep down inside you are already thinking of the times when a particular boy was checking or even chatting you up and you enjoyed it. But yet, many females will deny that they enjoyed it. Rather they would say, 'damn, that guy was freaking weird shit', or like 'stupid'!. In true facts, they did enjoy it no matter how ugly or how sleazy the experience was. Well at least someone took attention of you. 

However, this is not what I wanted to ramble about but rather how much I have learned and heard from the friends I met, grew up with, hung out with and lastly I got married to. I came up with a compilation of the shitz that females often do to men which we female think is totally normal but men get annoyed with.

Here goes...

1) Endless texting and phone calling the entire day. The chick gets pissed when the reply comes in late or the call goes unanswered.
2) Knowing that the male is attending to some other stuff, the girl calls and talks and orders stupid things and demand the dumbest thing. Once I heard, to go buy instant noodle of a certain flavour cause they were running out of it in the wee hours of the morning.

3) After all the texting, they decide the guy has to be with them till they head back to work the next day.
4) Over demanding for material stuff which they think if satisfied, means, its for the love.
5) Comparing the men they are with, with others...even their own dads. (This is extremely common).
6) Thinking that they are the only female in the world that their men can go out with, eat with, talk to, hang out with, look at, hug, drink...except their family. 

7) Taking over all the guys stuff cause girls can wear anything and use anything practically anything that a men owns, including his dream car. But how is a guy able to take over a girl's make up?

8) Females have an inbuilt system that automatically 'all men are handy', 'all men can fix cars', all men can fix the damn PC', 'all men should know how to use an iPhone'. 

9) We think that all men want is sex when they get comfortable being around us earlier than WE expect.
10) Just cause a guy is a hairdresser and he is good...most girls think he is gay!
11) They force their men to watch chick flicks but runs off on a girls night out when asked to watch RAMBO.

12) Just cause their men, they are expected to pay for everything.

13) We make them drive us everywhere.

14) When guys are shopaholics, we call it wasting money, but when girls shop its called 'I need it'.

15) They say men are not wise cause they think about buying new cars, but girls are smarter cause they think about getting a boob job, a sharper smaller nose, an ass implant or cut their eyes open wider.
16) When a man buys a pet, its HIS, when the girl buys a pet..its OURS.

17) When a guy needs some time alone, the girl thinks he is seeing someone else or that he doesn't love her anymore.

18) All men are horny. Own up girls! You are too.

19) Men are horrible cause they never lift the toilet seats up...seriously then why don't you lift it up?
20) Just cause they don't buy you flowers on Valentines Day, they are branded heartless!
21) Order none, eat other's.

22) Men can wait for girls, but girls will chuck a fit if it was more than 5 minutes.
23) When women want sex, they must have it, when men want sex, the girl turns around.

My list is really the everyday annoying shit that some people do. I agree that some men do the same annoying shit to females. I had a friend who had her bf call her every 15 mins and he was gonna shit in his pants when she didn't answer or replied his msgs. He needs counselling.

Hahahah! I must be saying too much =P 

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