Monday, January 2, 2012

Merry Christmas my dear friends.

 Merry Christmas 2011 to all my dear friends and family. This has been a great year with many blessings and of cos not to forget the unwanted situations that life throws at us daily. Nevertheless, we ended the year with a full stomach and filled with laughter and love around. Welcoming 2012! Thank you Ryan for all the cooking and hosting. You are the best party host of 2011!
Thanks Ryan, SY, Helen, Daniel, Shaun, Robin, Chee Chin, KC, Karen and Jac for the party. Yummy food!
Jelly vs Mint sauce

The debate over edible sweet potato skin

Cranberry sauce

Brown onion sauce?

This coleslaw was fantastic. Beats KFC hahaha
It would have taken me 1 week to strip this amount of Rambutans
Every year you will find a head coming out of an ass...and this year the victime is Mr. Turkey!

Tower of Mash
Pizza preparation for dinner time after lunch of coz 
The two girls who never fail to be the ones cooking and washing and getting everything done, ready, set ALL THE TIME! I am embarrassed at myself. But they cook and prepare food tastier than mine.

Mummy & Daddy to be
My love
Sorry you gotta be just wouldn't work in here hehe!
Daniel the Rambutan stripper

Wishing everyone a wonderful new year 2012! Enter the year of the Dragon. Roar! Haahahha wrong animal. 

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