Monday, April 4, 2011

What is your take on infidelity?

Before I start, let me laugh hahahahahahahha! Dear Bryon, I would send u the sunglasses to read my blog in future. =P It's like sunshine when you come to see me, and rainbow is what I want you to see when you think of me and visit my blog .

Infidel in a marriage, relationship albeit a serious one. What is your opinion?

There are many instances and explanations on infidelity and the stories we hear seem to be OMG! from the previous stories we've ever heard off. Whether non-physical activities amounts to cheating or a daily meet up with an emotional lover is considered cheating? What is your stand? I sit and wonder. There are too many instances of these happenings lately and I have no intention of telling tale on anyone. But looking at this situation, it breaks my heart for the person who doesn't know what is going on.

Would you accept that your other half has a certain emotional babysitter which is more than just giving advices but rather someone that in turn gives them happiness and a big smile on their faces? Someone who seems to make that person's world go round ? Someone who makes their world freeze when told something?

I know many would not accept anything that goes beyond talking casually. How about someone who takes your other half out for lunches and dinners everyday. Almost sometimes take up family time that you once enjoyed but now you're left alone to babysit and hug yourself till the other person decides its enough fun for the night. It's like dating and going home to daddy or mummy. Sharing the same bed with one and having a ''innocent'' platonic relationship with another.

Why do people enjoy the thrill of stealing someone's spouse? Stealing their time for companionship or even body for sex per se. Is it not enough to be in your face to respect a person's marriage and not try to entice or create trouble? There are many single people out there who deserves you more than that married man or woman that you so desire. It is human instinct that we want more, we want better and we are greedy. But when you decide to get married, don't screw things up and say you are sorry! Don't make stories and rubbish accusations on to the other. Wake up and think properly. Is this next person really going to make you as happy if you did not get married? Is this just a phase you're feeling because life isn't as exciting. Maybe you can start to blame yourself and fix it?

Before you start to think of how much your spouse can't give to you, why don't you ask yourself what have you been doing all this time to make things that much more boring and sad as it is?

I say this cause I keep hearing people's whimps about how their husbands don't spend much on them, or don't take them out, don't take them on holidays, don't do housework bla bla bla.

No.1 : Please do not generalise all men. They are all individual humans like us females.
No.2 : Don't demand for material items if you know your other half cannot afford it. Be reasonable. Men like   presents too you know???
No.3 : Men are generally expected to work harder then their wives, so be reasonable and don't force him to do the dishes just cause you cooked and have to look after your child. Instead take turns. Everyone's tolerance towards stress is different. You don't want him divorcing over dishes.
No.4 : Just cause he doesn't buy your flowers, doesn't mean he doesn't love you. Maybe you can ask and not just battle with their mind to read your mind.
No.5 : Before women fall into the feeling of infatuation with another, please be aware that humans love competition but the intention might not be as you think. I might want to sweet talk and cuddle you but not necessarily marry you and have kids with you.
No.6 : Just cause men are historically known to be sleeping around and mistressing with STD's and vietnam roses doesn't mean we should be as asshole as them.

ARgh!!!! OMG! Please don't do it when you are married with kids...It's just painful. It is not a game you wanna lose. Sigh. Hard to fix. But I just needed to let this go before I die of heartache. Now thank god I am very much in love with one person and have fate and is strong about it. Don't let your idle mind lead you to another men's lair.

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